Pre-Order Policy

 If the item you would like to order is marked Pre-Order, read the following:

  • If an item is marked Pre-Order this means that the item is not 'live' in our inventory. We are waiting for it to arrive from the manufacturer.

  •  The month listed as the shipping month is the most current information provided to us by the manufacturer. Please note that if we are in the month of July, and the item is marked Pre-Order ships July, this means that the item has still not arrived (but should be very soon). The minute it comes in, we mark the item as New!

  •  All release dates are subject to change by the manufacturer.  We do not make the cards and toys we sell. The shipping dates on our site are based on the latest information we receive directly from the manufacturers.

  •  Pre-orders will NOT be canceled at any time. Once the order is placed, the buyer is responsible for that sale.